Vision Sunday 2017: Part 1
Tim Fulkerson | 8.20.17
Matthew 22:34–40
Who is ClayHouse Church and why do we exist? This is the first of two sermons that relate to the mission and vision of our church body. Our desire is to “Love Jesus and make His love known.”
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Vision Sunday 2017: Part 1', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/8.20.17.mp3'}"]
Vision Sunday 2017: Part 2
Tim Fulkerson | 8.27.17
2 Corinthians 4:7
We continue in our two-part sermon series on the mission and vision of ClayHouse Church. We take time during this specific message to discuss our church’s theme verse as well as our unique values.
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Vision Sunday 2017: Part 2', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/08-27-2017.mp3'}"]