Awaken—Part 1
Tim Fulkerson | 1.7.18
2 Kings 4:1–7
We are hungry for a move of God at ClayHouse. We learn from the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil that God will not increase our supply until He first increases our need. God will not bring about an awakening among us, until we first recognize our need for Him.
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Awaken—Part 1', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/01-07-2018.mp3'}"]
Awaken—Part 2
Tim Fulkerson | 1.14.18
Revelation 3:14–22
There is a great danger of being a lukewarm church. Just as Jesus calls the church at Laodicea to repentance, so He is calling us to awake from slumber and seek Him with a renewed passion. We must not compromise in any are of our lives.
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Awaken—Part 2', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/1.14.18.mp3'}"]
Awaken—Part 3
Tim Fulkerson | 1.21.18
1 Kings 18:41–46
God did not bring healing rain to Israel until they had first purged sin from their midst. We too must repent of our sin, pray, and seek God’s face before we experience a fresh move of God’s Spirit. There is no such thing as a spontaneous revival, for we must first humble ourselves and seek God.
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Awaken—Part 3', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/1.21.18.mp3'}"]
Awaken—Part 4
Tim Fulkerson | 1.28.18
Luke 10:38–42
It is possible to get so caught up in the work of the Lord, that we miss the Lord of the work. If we are going to see God move at ClayHouse in 2018 and beyond, we must develop and deeper passion to know Christ. We must get back to the feet of Jesus and then we can serve Him the way He desires.
[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Awaken—Part 4', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: 'https://clayhouse.church/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/01-28-18.mp3'}"]