Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 1

Tim Fulkerson | 2.26.2017
Luke 23:26–38

Forgive Everyone Who’s Trying to Ruin Your Life—The first lesson in living through a bad day is having the grace to forgive others who have hurt us. Jesus’ words “Father forgive them…” is a model for us as we are called to forgive as well.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 1', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 2

Tim Fulkerson | 3.5.2017
Luke 23:35-43

Help Others Who are Experiencing Your Same Struggle—As we look at Jesus’ words to the man on the cross next to him, we see that Jesus responds to this man’s struggle. When suffering, we must remember to have love and empathy for others as well.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 2', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 3

Tim Fulkerson | 3.12.2017
John 19:23–27

Take Care of Those Near You—This message focuses on Jesus’ words “Son, Behold Thy Mother.” When Jesus speaks these words to John about his mother Mary, he reminds us to take care of the emotional, material, and spiritual needs of others.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 3', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 4

Tim Fulkerson | 3.19.2017
Matthew 27:45–47

Aim Your Hard Questions at God, Not Man—All of us, at one point in our lives or another, are going to ask God the “why” question. Jesus did from the cross. While we may not always get an answer, our cry will never fall on deaf ears.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 4', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 5

Tim Fulkerson | 3.26.2017
John 19:28–29

Be Human Enough to Acknowledge Your Need—This message focuses on Jesus’ words “I Thirst.” At the cross, when Jesus’ thirsts, we see his humanity. Jesus’ requests is a reminder that no person can make it through a bad day without others.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 5', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 6

Tim Fulkerson | 4.2.2017
John 19:28–30

Be Assured there is a Purpose and an End—This message focuses on Jesus’ words “It is Finished.” When we go through dark nights of suffering, the cross of Jesus of Jesus gives us hope that our suffering is only temporary.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 6', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]

Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 7

Tim Fulkerson | 4.9.2017
Luke 23:44–49

Surrender Your Day to God, and Let it Go—This message focuses on Jesus’ final words, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” The defining spirit of authentic discipleship is childlike surrender and trust in God.

[cleanaudioplayer playlist="{title: 'Sayings of Jesus from the Cross—Part 7', artist: 'Tim Fulkerson', mp3: ''}"]